Upper Valley Dog Training

Elizabeth Stanton, Hanover, NH

Problem Poodle – 

Carmen is amazing. We have a standard poodle. Poodles are smart but this can be good and bad. Our poodle was a problem child – too smart for his own good. A more generous person would have said he was spirited. At any rate, I called Carmen in desperation. She came to the house for one private lesson followed by a series of group lessons. She is the dog whisperer. We noticed a difference in Augie from day one. Literally after one lesson we could take him for a walk without him nipping at our heels. He has gone from an out-of-control poodle to a pretty nice dog. We have a way to go, but we are on the right road. We owe it all to Carmen. She is patient, but knows when to push. She really understands dogs (and people too). We recommend her enthusiastically for all new puppy owners and for older dogs who need some help.